Articles on PR for People

Wake Up

While we are used to hearing that the next election is the most consequential election in history, you can believe it this time because you have only to imagine what consequences will be visited upon those of us who, for example, support the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Sanitizing Bad News

I was thrilled to be the first expert interviewed by Sean Costigan in Red Sift’s new podcast series, “Resilience Rising,” available on Spotify. We covered a lot of ground, looking at firms like Wells Fargo, Boeing, Theranos, and JPMorgan Chase.  I had written about much of what we discussed in 2017 in an article for Risk Universe magazine called “Executives and Risk: What Your Teams Won’t Tell You.”

Are You Prepared?

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which has grown into  a collaborative effort between government and industry to enhance cybersecurity awareness, encourage actions by the public to reduce online risk and generated discussion on cyber threats on a national and global scale  The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) advises that there are four basic steps both individuals and businesses can take to better manage their online actions:

Making Our Peace with 9/11

Twenty-two years later, the sounds and images of that day reverberate. The 19-acre complex of buildings called the World Trade Center, considered to be the heart of the financial sector, was forever changed. 

Count Me In

In spite of military standoffs, a deep sea disaster, pesky security breaches, and other operational risk failures, this month we celebrate ASA's 14th anniversary as we publish the 153rd issue of ASA News & Notes.

Justice Without Fear or Favor

In the 1960s, a relatively new technology was able to record and broadcast as news the behavior of citizens and law enforcement in Southern states, in particular Alabama and Mississippi. The rhetoric matched the behavior, as protesters or voting rights advocates were beaten while the police stood by. One cannot repeat the names called, but can remember still the violent speech used by segregationists as they fought against the change that was coming.

The Freedom to Read

“If you read, you can learn to think for yourself.” Those words came from esteemed novelist Doris Lessing some years ago, when speaking of the value of public libraries and their role in creating an informed citizenry. 

Risk and Ethics

I examined the factors that should go into making responsible decisions around risky ventures in our current environment in my column last month and concluded: “The general shape of risk has not changed that much in the past 15 years, but every time is new. There is no shortcut or quick fix to making consequential decisions at the right time. The elements that go into risk management are unchanging: careful, patient, and meticulous thinking.”

The Shape of Risk

The sad saga of the downfall of Silicon Valley Bank. Too big to fail? How many times must the banks sing the same old swan song?

Digging Out

It is hard to know where to begin, after such a seemingly endless stream of weather-related disasters and, most recently, the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Only yesterday did the earthquake recovery efforts there begin to move to the next stage of restoration.