Art is in the eye of the beholder and the passion thereof time and limitless. The same can be said about Brad Twaddle’s immeasurable energy and passion for Dancing and the Arts.
Singer, Songwriter, Filmmaker Alana Belle was featured on the cover of our February 2018 Magazine. Much has happened since 2018. Her work The New Romantic: A Mood Film was released in September 2020 at the Northwest Film Forum Film Festival. In November she partnered with Lululemon and did a screening in their store.
I was told never to place my handbag on the floor. I was told never to leave my handbag unattended. I was also told to never ever let another person touch my handbag. Disobeying any of the three cardinal rules of handbags brings poverty and is akin to having a gypsy place a curse on me. The gypsy’s curse lasts forever.