
Timeless Twaddle


Art is in the eye of the beholder and the passion thereof time and limitless. The same can be said about Brad Twaddle’s immeasurable energy and passion for Dancing and the Arts.

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Talman Welle: If You Can’t Imagine Anything Else

When he wrote the lyric, “I was born/ One dark gray morn/ With the music comin’ in my ears,” Paul Simon could have had Talman Welle in mind. Whether it really was dark and gray is not certain, but this is Bremerton, Washington we're talking about, so chances are good that it was. He certainly came into the world surrounded by music.

Scientists now tell us that babies are affected by music in utero. So maybe it was preordained...

Creating Your Legacy

What is your legacy? What is that thing or things that will carry on your spirit or your beliefs after you leave this planet? What is that something you have put your heart and soul into? It could be your children or your high score at the video arcade or a recipe of your own design.

Instead of focusing on differences like race, gender, religion that can divide us, try something new. How about considering who you are and...

Making a Leg

While almost anyone can puff up his chest and call himself a writer, developing writing mastery takes as many hours of practice as it takes to become a ballerina. In ballet, it takes many years of training to be able to extend one’s leg in a perfect line that appears to stretch to infinity.  It’s called making a leg. Developing correct muscle formation in the feet and legs takes years of practice. No one ever thinks it will happen...

Bach is Back

Bach is reborn every moment we hear his ancient horn. He is more future than past, more mast than any gold ever cast. More spirit than man, more man than beast when he unleashed for us in full view his musical feast. We drink deeply from the goblet of each delicately crafted motet. Dive with him to explore that underwater cave of the chaconne.  Parting ways the violin strikes up the...

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Here's interesting fact. One of the reasons why doctors have visiting hours is because research has shown when patients are with family and friends they heal a lot faster. Because the patients laugh and feel good all over and the body doesn't want be sick and pushes out good endorphins to heal the body faster.

Wali Collins is America’s Most loved comedian and the author of “The Y’NEVANO book of Encouragments. 
