We the People Proclamation
Most Americans are compassionate and caring people who want to build better lives for themselves, their children, and their communities. We are enriched by working together to achieve goals that benefit the common good. Regardless of our political affiliation—blue vs. red, conservatives vs. liberals, or republicans vs. democrats, we believe in our core democratic principles. We believe we have more in common that is good and true. The issues that divide us are less important. It’s like Benjamin Franklin said, “We can choose to hang together, or we will all hang separately.”
- We the people uphold the spirit and letter of the law as set forth in our most sacred documents: U.S Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address.
- We demand that every man, woman and child be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of national origin, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or economic status.
- We demand that our government officials, elected or appointed, at every level of government, city, county, state and federal, must adhere to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct, or otherwise be removed from office.
- We demand the right to lawful assembly to alert our government officials of their violation of the highest standards of ethical conduct.
- We further demand a right to develop a political process to hold special elections to remove government officials from office who have exhibited egregious ethical misconduct.
- We demand that immediate sanctions be put into effect to save our planet and that the United States lead the world to find solutions for global warming and climate change.
- We demand that our government must provide affordable health care to the American people, and must continue to provide Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
- We demand that our government implement genuine tax reform that reduces the tax burden placed on the working and middle classes, levels the playing field among all economic classes, and ensures that the wealthiest classes and corporations will take responsibility for their fair share of the tax burden.
If We the People can adhere to our core democratic principles, then we can work together to solve anything. #TakeBackAmerica
Part Three of a Three-part Series.