Tis the time of year to be jolly and make new year resolutions.
Who has not at some point in his or her life thought I want to change jobs, do more exercise, be calmer, put more effort into my relationships?
And what have you done about it? Resolutions are nothing more than wishes unless you have a plan.
You can take the Benjamin Franklin’s attitude, “Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained.”
So if one of your resolutions is to change jobs it is not enough to start applying to whatever sounds appealing. You may want to take a test to see where your talents lie. You may want to rethink what you have to offer an employer. You may want to make a list of the benefits your present job has. Are you doing what you really love?
Or, think about the resolution to put more efforts into your relationships. How do you define relationship? Do you feel comfortable in your relationships with your children, significant other, your extended family? Are you proud of your family? If not, what are your personal insights? Is there anger?
There is a saying which many attribute to Buddha, “You only can achieve happiness when you learn how to let go.” Should that be a resolution?
The point is that resolutions are more easily voiced than accomplished. So what will it be a wish or a resolution? Wishes are fun and not to be dismissed. Resolutions are not a one night decision but a year round effort.
Benjamin Franklin summed it up, “Be at War with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbours, and let every New-Year find you a better Man/<Woman>.”