Media Bitch
Media Bitch is a high profile P.R. Professional who always tells the truth when she's not getting paid.
Hey, it’s Media Bitch here—that’s my name. Check out my pic, warts and all. I’m the real deal. I’m here to tell your miserable story to the world. There’s a lot of talking going on about consumers losing their rights, or having no rights. I'm here to help! Media Bitch has come to the rescue! If you have a bonafide complaint, then tell me. I won’t always be able to find a solution, but I will listen. I can tell your story and give it legs so it lasts a lot longer than a tweet. Losing your consumer rights? Been treated unfairly? Tell me about it! Got a story that bites! Ouch! Put Media Bitch in the header and send to prforpeople@gmail.com. Follow us @mediabitch @prforpeople