On my trip across America, one of my favorite stops was in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Coming fresh from the streets of New York City, I think I used to say R-Can-Zas, like Kansas with an R in front. Rocks and boulders lay strewn all over the sides of the road. Every so often a huge gaping canyon had been dug into the earth to excavate limestone, sandstone, granite or marble. There was a lot of rock quarrying going on. Some canyons were full of fresh, clear water, looked like small lakes, and were tempting enough to invite summer frolicking under the hot sun. The air is so dry that it will rob the moisture from your skin. Arkansas may be rock country, but it’s not barren of books.
The Garland County Library in Hot Springs serves the community in large and small ways. It’s the the only library that I’ve seen so far offering a course in teen safety—safety in both real life and online. On the first Thursday of every month, the library hosts a bluegrass jam for musicians and music fans of all ages. Other community offerings include a free movie night, a book club specializing in reading mysteries, and rudimentary technology courses that offer a 101 course in how to use Facebook. The Hot Springs Police Department takes the time to come by for story time and to read aloud to young children, pre-school age and up.
The Library is open every day of the week until 5:30pm but stays open until 8pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Check the website for holiday closures. Orientation tours are available for groups who are new to the library. The Library is social media savvy and uses Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the word out about the many ways they serve their community.
Garland County Library, 1427 Malvern Ave, Hot Springs, AR 71901, (501) 623-4161 gcl@gclibrary.com, http://www.gclibrary.com