When you say you are “anti-liberal,” what do you actually mean?
- Do you mean you are against big government that has saved the country from economic disaster more than twice in its history?
- Do you mean you are against big government that has intervened more than twice to assure its citizens of equal treatment under the law?
- Do you mean you are against big government that has provided environmental safeguards so that pollution of the planet can be controlled?
- Do you mean you are against big government that has tried to assure that its citizens have the right to vote?
- Do you mean that you are against giving all people a chance at affordable healthcare?
- Do you mean you are against any kind of government intervention to help people in any way?
- Do you mean that you are against providing universal public education for our people?
- Do you believe that corporations should be allowed to pollute the environment so that they can make more profit?
- Do you believe that corporations are the same as individuals and should be allowed to pour as much money as they want into political campaigns?
- Do you believe that the country should return to the days of the 1950s where there was rampant segregation?
- Do you believe that women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Chinese, Japanese or any person that is not a WASP should have no rights in our country?
- Do you believe that immigration has hurt this country both economically and culturally and therefore immigrants should not be allowed in “our” country?
- Do you believe that people should not have a right to free speech and to protest an administration’s actions if they disagree with them?
- Do you believe that there should be a “national religion,” and there should be no separation of church and state?
- Do you believe that the Supreme Court should reflect the views of the administration and not be fair and impartial?
- Do you believe that rich, white men should not have to pay their fair share of taxes?
- Do you believe that a president who is basically unpopular, not elected by a majority of citizens, spouts lies by the minute and tries to incite people to hate other people because they disagree with him, should be able to be president for LIFE?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then you are against majority rule and democracy. You should be living in a totalitarian state, not the United States of America.