Comfort …the things that sustain us.
We put together a list of the many ways we can find comfort....
1. Take pleasure in the things that have always mattered, but now they mean even more.
2. Move your body, stretch, dance, do ballet, yoga, Pilates, walk briskly in the crisp morning air.
3. Focus on conscious breathing. Whenever you feel anxiety, change your breathing by focusing on it. Slowing your breathing will bring you back to balance.
4. Set the scene with scented candles. The very act of lighting a candle and watching it glow brings comfort.
5. Have a cup of steaming aromatic tea.
6. Celebrate the end of your day with a long warm soak in the tub.
7. Treat yourself to a mini spa. Use face masks, bubble bath, moisturizes, and exfoliating grains. Take time to take care of your skin, nails and hair.
8. Enjoy coziness (think fluffy blankets, fluffy socks and fluffy pants)! It’s important to pamper your body!
9. Pull out your old photos to remember those whom you love, those whom you’ve lost and those who you are finding again.
10. Pray like you’ve never prayed before. How you pray matters not. What is important are the honest words that speak from the core of your heart. Offer Thanksgiving for all of the small things you have been given.
11. Imagine the possibilities. Visualize the positive. Imagine something really exciting? What are you looking forward to doing? What are you looking forward to most?
12. Speak glowingly about yourself to yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of everything you've accomplished in the past few weeks.
13. Change the lighting in the room. Lighting can affect your mood dramatically. If your anxiety is heightened, lower the lights.
14. Listen to the volume and type of sound in your living space. Put on calm, melodic or soothing music, and get rid of any annoying sounds.
15. Take on small projects that you have been thinking about doing but never had the time. Clean out your closet or storage space. Change all the light bulbs in lights that have gone out or replace batteries.
16. Eat flavorful food: oranges and savory spices are always popular. Cook stews, soups and sauces that are highly aromatic and leave a lingering scent. Indulge in comfort food, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, or freshly baked bread.
17. Minimize screen time. Staring at screens too long gives us attention deficit disorder and makes it difficult to sleep at night.
18. Call someone who makes you feel happy. Everyone has people in their lives who bring them comfort just by hearing the sound of their voice.
19. Cry if you need to. A good cry works wonders!
20. Find comfort with your pets or (Zoom or Facetime with someone who has pets). Our animals are so happy to have us home all the time!
21. Host a meeting or coffee date via Zoom or Facetime. Schedule group calls with your friends and family.
22. Read a new book, or reread one of your favorite books.
23. Journal. Writing is the best way to capture your feelings and to get new ideas.
24. Do something nice for someone close to you. Send a card to someone you love or maybe to someone you haven’t been in touch with in a long time.
25. Imagine the possibilities and the joy we can bring to each other. Do something nice for a stranger.