1. Come to work each day ready to be fired
2.Circumvent any orders aimed at stopping your dream
3. Do any job needed to make your project work, regardless of your job description.
4. Find people to help you.
5. Follow your intuition about the people you choose and work only with the best.
6. Work underground as long as you can --publicity triggers the corporate immune system
7. Never bet on a race unless you're running it.
8. Remember, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
9. Be true to your goals but be realistic about the ways to achieve them.
10. Honor your sponsors.
+ 6 more--
1. Ask for advice before asking for resources.
2. Express gratitude.
3. Build your team; intrapreneuring is not a solo activity.
4. Share credit widely.
5. Keep the best interests of the company and its customers in mind, especially when you have to bend the rules or circumvent the bureaucracy.
6. Don't ask to be fired; even as you bend the rules and act without permission, use all the political skill you and your sponsors can muster to move the project forward without making waves.