Articles on PR for People

Loss and Grief in the Workplace

Depending on your work environment, loss and your experience of grief may not be something you can easily discuss. In a recent book I wrote on this concept, it’s important for managers, supervisors, and colleagues to be aware how the experience of loss and the response of grief may affect employee behavior.  Oftentimes, it’s easy to blame erratic or inconsistent behaviors on character imperfections or principles. Yet, when we as humans lose...

George Lois and Muhammad Ali | On Race and Courage

George Lois recently walked me through the process that led to his idea of putting Muhammad Ali in the pose of a martyr on the cover of Esquire Magazine.

Muhammad Ali on the Cover of Esquire Magazine in 1968 sparked a heated controversy. The Esquire cover depicted the famous boxer being pierced by six arrows. How Muhammad Ali came to grace the cover was a deliberate stroke of genius created by legendary ad man...

Wali Collins at Broadway Comedy Club - June 20th

Wali Collins is one of the top headliners at the Broadway Comedy Club on June 20th. The top headliners include: Ryan Hamilton, Erin Jackson, Wali Collins. The show starts at 9. More info from Broadway Comedy Club.


Wali Collins on That One Thing

What is that one thing that you can do for hours? The thing you feel you were born to do.  What is that particular something that when you are doing it, it brings you peace and calmness? My question to you is why are you not doing it all the time?  Is it because you have other responsibilities or a job?

Believe it or not, you can make a career out of whatever your passion is.

Think about it. If we all did our passion...

From Denver: The not-so-elusive Poet Devan Kingsford

Although Devan Kingsford fancies himself as an elusive poet, he keeps a high profile on the streets of downtown Denver. He stakes out a spot in front of the Tattered Cover Book Store on 16th Street, where he sits at a desk, with an old typewriter, and his dog, and writes poems on demand.  In fact, the name of his business is Poetry on Demand. He doesn’t charge per poem, but gladly accepts donations. 


Gregg Bertram True Neutral

Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Attorney Gregg Bertram, who is the founder and CEO of Pacific ADR Consulting, LLC, which is a company that specializes in mediation and arbitration. Although Pacific ADR’s headquarters are in Seattle, the company is now expanding into other areas of country. At PR for People, we’re intrigued by how Gregg and his team of panelists are often able to help parties resolve legal conflicts without...

Do the Hustle!

The “gig” economy is a lifestyle all its own

By Matt Robinson

I’ve been hearing a good deal lately about this new “gig” economy in which people take a number of smaller jobs instead of aiming for the gold watch after 40 years at the plant.

As someone who has been living it for 20 years, I am not sure what is all that “new” about it.

In the past two decades, I have published over 4,000...

PR for People® Book Reviews May 2016

By Barbara Lloyd McMichael

​Digital Humanitarians – Patrick Meier

The word “do-gooders” originated back in the 1920s as a pejorative that conservatives used against progressives. Now there’s a 21st century deprecation that began in much the same way: take the term crowdsourcing (a word coined in 2006), sprinkle with a bit of Harry Potter magic dust, and presto! – it transforms into “...

Skate for Change: The Enthusiastic, Unorganized Charity of Nebraska Millennials

The perceived high work ethic and associated integrity of Nebraskans has been showing up in interesting ways for the state’s millennials (people reaching young adulthood around the year 2000). Although young Nebraskans participate in charities of all kinds, some are noticing a trend in “unofficial” charity taking place.

One example is the Skate for Change movement, which began in western Nebraska with one skater and has expanded...

How To Use Your DSLR On Automatic!

Ok. So, I've been saying how we all should use our DSLRs on MANUAL in order to have more complete control of exposures, saturation, shutter speeds and apertures. Yet, most people just leave their cameras on AUTO because they think the camera will always make a "correct" shot. So, why do manufacturers put a so many other settings on their cameras? Well, believe it or not, there are actually times when AUTO settings might come in handy....