Articles on PR for People

Barbi Leifert Showing Art Basel Miami

Barbi Leifert' s work will be part of the True Masters Collection that is presented by Art Bodega Magazine in partnership with L'EXCELLENCE. Exhibit opens Monday, November 30 to Friday, December 4th. Hours 10:30 to 6:00pm. Saturday, December 5th, Hours are by appointment only. This show is part of ART BASEL MIAMI 2015. For more information email or call 305-989-6230 or...

A Dirty Business

A Dirty Business: What Ever Happened to Jimmy Hoffa?  It’s been 39 years since Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. On every anniversary of Hoffa’s disappearance, a new theory emerges about the location of his final remains. Here are just a few of them:

     • Hoffa’s body was put in a 55-gallon steel drum, and carried off in a truck, then buried on the...

The State of Garbage in America

“It’s a smelly, dirty, public health nuisance.”

“It’s a valuable commodity to be traded.”

“It’s a fact of life that will never go away.”

All three of these disparate statements above can be made about garbage, and all three of them are true, especially the last statement. The definition of garbage — or “solid waste,” as it is referred to in the landfill business — changes...

Kathy McShane Shares Secrets to Success

Are women entrepreneurs different from their male counterparts? Do women need a different blueprint to achieve success in business? These critical business concepts and more are set forth in Kathy McShane’s newly released book The Survivor’s Guide for Female Entrepreneurs.

Kathy McShane, widely considered to be an Expert on Female Entrepreneurship, shares her secrets to success in The Survivor’s Guide for...

Veterans of No War

The political contenders who are the most conservative and hawkish bellow a mighty war cry but are veterans of no war.  George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Trump, all of whom mastered the art of serial deferments, squeaked out of going to the big war—back when real men were drafted to—the...

Lest We Forget

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", George Santayana, 1905

The other day, after having commuted, on and off, for over 40 years from the Hartsdale, NY RR station, I noticed, for the first time, a plaque on a rock with the inscription, "Lest We Forget  1917-1918." The plaque, of course, was a memorial to local veterans of WWI, the seminal event of the 20th Century.  And, while it is true that both the...

Find Good Talent

Recruiting needs to change to fit the current trends.  More than ever, young people in their twenties and thirties are using social media to hunt for jobs.  They are using YouTube to post video resumes or visumes and these are great tools!  With all the new social media tools that are available to young talent, companies need to step up their program to make sure they are monitoring all of the right social media outlets.


Anisha Vinjamuri

As chief strategist for InnovationsIQ, Anisha Vinjamuri’s primary mission is building client confidence and trust, as well as making a difference in people’s lives. Her diverse experience, strong organizational leadership and mentoring skills makes her a force in the changing world of HR. Anisha earned two Masters degrees, in Commerce and in Foreign Trade, by the time she was 22. Anisha is another ex-Micosoftee who has found her place in...

Shoe Crazy - Five Faves for Winter

I’ve been working with shoes since I was 20 years old and I know quality and fine detailing. For this winter, I love the latest styles, designs and colors. I feel especially good when I can personally recommend a pair of shoes or boots that I’m wearing and loving them too! It’s one thing to sell someone a pair of shoes and quite another to recommend shoes that looks and feel so good that I actually own a pair myself. Here are my top five...

Wali Collins at Broadway Comedy Club in November

Wali Collins is top headliner at at the Broadway Comedy...