Articles on PR for People

The #TrumpCrimeFamily!

For the past year, Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani, and a number of other Republican operatives have been spreading the canard that the Bidens represent a criminal enterprise.  Seriously!  It’s time to pin the tail on the right donkey.  In fact, it’s an elephant! 


The President of the United States must be above all else, moral, a peacemaker, the arbiter of a more perfect union. VOTE!

The Battle Will Come After the Voting is Over!

Even if Biden had clearly won enough electoral votes after the November election, Trump’s attorneys are prepared to go nuclear. 

Buyer Beware: Do you dare buy a Haunted House?

Would you buy a haunted house? Doors squeak open and slam shut. Sudden surges of cold air rattle windows in their old wood frames. Hazy apparitions are seen from the corner of your eye. Unexplained noises trill down the chimney. Icy wind kicks up in a conic burst, settling into strange wet spots under stairwells, in the back of closets and under the kitchen sink. Contents of drawers spill out. Your favorite things are lost, later found in strange, out-of-the-way places, and you know you didn’t put them there. In the middle of the night you do not walk alone into that dark, drafty room. 

It’s Time to Call it What it Is: “Treason”

It’s especially egregious (and punishable) when the perpetrator is the President of the United States.  He has betrayed his oath, his country, and the generations that have built it.

Leadership development: Are you ready to lead?

Within an organization, employees look to their leadership for clear direction and seek approval before moving forward with their projects. Also, it’s important for any founder to know how to effectively manage your team as your company continues to grow. 

Interview with Natasha Freidus, Co-founder and CEO of “Needs List”

William Lulow Interviews Natasha Freidus, Co-founder and CEO of “Needs List.” NeedsList has evolved from a “wedding registry for humanitarian aid” to a software that any organization can license to match urgent local needs with sources and suppliers in real time.

Citizenship: Bridging Individualism and Community to Sustain our Democracy

The U.S. stands out since its creation as championing the rights of all individuals, as proclaimed in the Declaration that Jefferson wrote for the new nation. Always clever, Jefferson substituted “pursuit of happiness” for “possessing property” in order to cast a wider net.  

Xanthus Communications Announces New Managing Partner Kaitlin Scarlett Culp

Xanthus Communications LLC has announced Kaitlin Culp as its new Managing Partner. Ms. Culp is the daughter of Patricia Vaccarino, who is the founder of Xanthus Communications and has been its managing partner since 2003. Under Ms. Culp’s management the company will also have a greater presence in the Denver, Colorado area. 

Pauli Murray and the process of becoming

 Every American generation has its heroes, its profiles in courage, its personages fighting to save and advance the soul of democracy. In the 20th century, perhaps no one better represented that than the incomparable Pauli Murray. For more than 50 years, Murray was a prolific civil rights pioneer, plowing new territory for Blacks, women and LGBTQ populations.