Articles on PR for People

PR for People® THE CONNECTOR – APRIL 2021

Homeless in America: The Work of Rajni Shankar-Brown, Ph.D. She is making every effort to afford dignity to every human being.

Beauty in the Age of Covid

Patricia Vaccarino writes about the talented makeup artist NYC-based Jill Harth, who uses her expertise to render on-screen bliss and perfection.                         

Libraries We Love – Dancing Among The Stars

Each month, we profile a library: Large, small, urban, rural, post-modern, quaint or neo-classic, but this month we are presenting a new and different way of looking at libraries. Patricia Vaccarino writes about a fundraising collaboration between the Berkeley Ballet Theater and the Berkeley Public Library Foundation

Art. Freedom. Love.

Artist Milan Heger is in love with freedom as much as he is in love with art.

Libraries We Love: My first love—the Yonkers Carnegie Library

I’ve written over twenty profiles of public libraries as diverse as the Library for the Performing Arts in New York City to the Ernie Pyle Library in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I love all libraries, but it is the Yonkers Carnegie Library that will always be my first love. 

ALANA BELLE—A Woman After Our Own Hearts

Singer, Songwriter, Filmmaker Alana Belle was featured on the cover of our February 2018 Magazine. Much has happened since 2018. Her work The New Romantic: A Mood Film was released in September 2020 at the Northwest Film Forum Film Festival. In November she partnered with Lululemon and did a screening in their store. 

Owls and Other Fantasies

Mary Oliver’s collection of poems and essays offers us a walk into the kingdom of birds

Tim Phelps On The Trail of Hope

Today on February 14, 2021, Tim Phelps is embarking on a nearly 1,800 mile journey. He is intent on getting a petition in front of President Joe Biden. His petition requests that the President of the United States of America offer an official public apology to all of the indigenous tribes in this country for the cruelty and mistreatment they have suffered at the hands of the U.S. government.


Artist Milan Heger is in love with freedom as much as he is in love with art.

NOTES FROM THE WORKING CLASS: The Mother of All Handbags

I was told never to place my handbag on the floor. I was told never to leave my handbag unattended. I was also told to never ever let another person touch my handbag. Disobeying any of the three cardinal rules of handbags brings poverty and is akin to having a gypsy place a curse on me. The gypsy’s curse lasts forever.