
Latest Posts in Florida

Natural Disasters

It’s hard to look away from natural disasters. We wonder why, after so many years of studying them, their impact has not lessened, and their restoration time has not shortened. The few minutes of attention we give them from the morning newspapers or the evening news is but one type of traumatic information we absorb on a regular basis. It is painful and stress-provoking to take it all in -- school shootings, assaults, property damage, homelessness, and a general uneasiness that we are not safe in public places. Some of our anxiety is surely left over from the worst of pandemic times.

Florida Climate Change and its impact on families living in Poverty

The devastating impacts of climate change are already visible across the landscape of the United States, and our most vulnerable communities, including individuals and families living in poverty and experiencing homelessness, are being unfairly impacted and hurt the most.

An ode to Hayden Brumbeloe

I never met Hayden Brumbeloe, but I like the cadence of his name.   He grew up in a working-class town not far from Abilene, Texas under a hot dry sun in a land most often noted for the way it was depicted in the classic film The Last Picture Show.    

Five Million and Counting

The president is not smart enough to wreak  havoc without the help of his Executive Office advisors and the re-election campaign team responsible for producing the smear campaigns that will now escalate with Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his running mate. 

Coronavirus Pandemic, Month Six

The absence of executive leadership to champion a plan to contain the coronavirus pandemic has cost this country dearly. As I write today, the Center for Disease Controls (CDC) reports 133,666 deaths, with 3,173,212 infected, a number that is up today by 66,281 new cases over yesterday. States with governors who took the CDC’s guidance on a phased, data-based approach to opening the economy back up have fared significantly better than states with governors who did not use data and opened their states early.