Peter Corning

Latest Posts in Peter Corning


True Beauty is found everywhere, especially in the arts. Our feature story this month is about the dynamic dance studio Dance Conservatory Seattle that serves professional dancers, as well as local residents who’ve never set foot in a ballet studio before. Regarding Truth & Beauty, I have a peculiar interest in the art world that has manifested itself in my latest book, a fictional account of a woman artist who suffers from a fall in grace (details coming soon). I hope you enjoy my summer round-up of books related to the art world.  –Patricia Vaccarino


The Psychopathology of Fascism

The Psychopathology of Fascism Shakespeare nailed it in Julius Caesar: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves…” Enter Donald Trump, stage right.

A Strategic Plan for the Year 3000? Surely, You’re Joking!

The first five million years of our evolution went very well, overall. The next 980 years could be a problem.

Lessons From the Pandemic (of 1918)

We need to stop repeating old, costly, and deadly mistakes.  Will we ever learn? To borrow a line from America’s baseball-player philosopher, Yogi Berra, it’s déjà vu all over again. America has once again done it wrong (on the whole), with tragic consequences.  There are models in other countries for how to do it right. 

The Coronavirus and the “Common Good”

The Coronavirus and the “Common Good” The coronavirus could be called a “common bad.”  It reminds us that there are positive alternatives as well.