Tim Girvin

Latest Posts in Tim Girvin


Social justice never goes out of fashion. In our cover story this month, Yonkers Historian Mary Hoar writes about Tuskegee Airman Ivan McRae. Dr. Peter Corning’s Antidote for Lies and Liars is reminiscent of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter. Tim Girvin assembles a touching and artistically brilliant tribute to his mother, the artist Lila Lee Shaw Girvin. Going back to basics is a good thing. In The Many Faces of Our People, I’ve noted what our mission was fourteen years ago and what it is today: We want you to be inspired and we want you to fall in love with the beautiful diversity of humanity. – Patricia Vaccarino

Death Comes Home | Creativity, Motherhood and Lila Lee Shaw Girvin

Everyone has a powerful connection to their mothers. My mother, Lila Lee Shaw Girvin died this past week. And it called into contemplation all of the things that one thinks about in death—of anyone near. You’re thinking, “they were here, now they’re gone. Forever.”

Girvin on Risk

The Leap, the Jump to Risk

There is a path of the straight and narrow. 

And there is a path of an unexpected roadway. You can take either, depending on your expectation of outcome. 

There is an easy way, and there is another, that breaks the normal causeway to something more adventuresome. And while one path — the easier route — might be more...

J O Y  F U L L N E S S

Finding joy in aligning symbology with the poetry of experience, 

memory and storytelling, meaning and discovery. 

There is something metaphorically symbolic about the wave.  

In the waves — 

the big ones, the farther out set, 

 what I call the third tier of rollers — 

I find unbridled...

The Strategy of *Experientiality —  Holistic Experience Design  for Restaurants

During the 1990-early 2000s, I spent time working with the Disney Imagineers and Park Strategists at Disney — designing experiences, brands and their integrated strategies in Orlando and Anaheim. During that time, we also worked with Steve and Elaine Wynn on Bellagio and their teams and properties. 

What that range of experience taught me is that a restaurant visionary will need to have a clear visioning about the offer — what...