
Latest Posts in Jobs

Startup Nation

This month we focus on entrepreneurship. What does it take to start a business? What does it take to sustain a business? We also focus on that old standby: Jobs. How well are we making a living?

The American Worker

In this issue of the Connector, we examine jobs, HR and the new world of work.

Cheap Entertainment ... at your expense


One year ago I was on Mulberry Street in NYC’s Little Italy doing research for a book. I was stunned to find the Landmark Church San Genarro to be cast aside as a relic to the past and empty of believers. The adjacent wall outside the church featured a psychedelic mural by a young artist from L.A., Tristian Eaton, who is...

The Real State of the Economy

The Real State of the Economy: The Worst of Times for Employees Is the Best of Times for Investors


The Robots are Here!

The American people want good, solid middle-class jobs, but it’s no longer possible. In middle-class communities all across America, there is an urgent desire to recreate a job market similar to that of the 1950s. This urgent desire is emotionally charged.  There is a great feeling that the middle-class has been shafted and forgotten by corporate interests, and this makes people angry.  At the same time, there is a great practical need to create a thriving job market—people have to be able to make a living.