
PR for People® Book Reviews: How May I Help You?


   The American Dream has always included the idea of satisfying employment and upward mobility, but a new book by Deepak Singh sketches out a less rosy reality.

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Book Review: Total Garbage

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edward Humes begins with what can only be described as a shock-and-awe sentence in his latest book, called “Total Garbage.” Just chew on this for a moment: “You swallowed,” Humes writes, “285 pieces of plastic today.”

Book Review: hearing voices poems by Barbara Ruth Saunders

Barbara Ruth Saunders’ debut poetry collection is a shining example of the small things that sustain us. These small things might be people, a sense of place, or the objects in our lives that we hold near and dear to our hearts. What emerges in this poetry collection are the larger truths about humanity.

BOOK REVIEW: Children in Prison by Jerome Gold

Jerome Gold’s earlier book, Paranoia and Heartbreak: Fifteen Years in a Juvenile Facility (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2009), captures his experience of working with juvenile offenders. Ten years later, his book Children in Prison offers greater context, shedding light on the children whose lives have been stunted, short circuited, and hardwired to fail. 


Book Review: The Overstory by Richard Powers

The Overstory is not an ordinary environmental tale. Author Richard Powers has architected a powerful message that could have only been crafted by a master writer. This is an important book that will stand the test of time, hopefully for all eternity if we, trees and humans, are able to soldier on.

Book Review: The Tigers of Lents

Author Mark Pomeroy does a fine job of capturing the saga of a family living in Lents, Oregon. These are real people grappling with real problems in a world where everything has been stacked against them. The family members belong to an invisible economic class—the working poor.