
Latest Posts in healing

ALANA BELLE—A Woman After Our Own Hearts

Singer, Songwriter, Filmmaker Alana Belle was featured on the cover of our February 2018 Magazine. Much has happened since 2018. Her work The New Romantic: A Mood Film was released in September 2020 at the Northwest Film Forum Film Festival. In November she partnered with Lululemon and did a screening in their store. 

Beauty: More than Skin Deep

In 2011, a year after her husband’s suicide, Amber Martini walked into Testament Tattoo in Leavenworth, Kansas. “I had been emotionally frozen and I wanted to feel something,” she said in a recent interview.

Her husband, Army Sergeant Ralph Mena, Jr., had loved tattoos, and this was a way she could honor his memory. She worked with tattoo artist Clinton Burkes to develop a design that expressed her grief, her anger, and her...