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The Hymn in Her Heart

The Reverend Anne Saunders almost died when she was a child. Scarlet fever ran rampant, afflicting children everywhere, regardless of the color of their skin or how much money their families had. In the late 1930s, most children stayed home to heal, but Anne Saunders was so sick that her father wanted to take her to the hospital. He was told that if he took her to the hospital, she wouldn’t be alive when she got there.

Book Review: Zero At The Bone by Christian Wiman

The true sign of a good book is when the reader proclaims: “I didn’t want it to end.”  My definition of a great book is when I say: “I need to keep it by my side in some small, inconspicuous place so I can secretly read it again.”

Book Review: How the Irish Saved Civilization

The book is chock full of interesting information, if only the reader could easily grasp it. The writing is competent but unnecessarily complex, convoluted, and confusing. There are great gems in this book, but it takes hard work, mining and excavation, to separate what is precious from the dreck.

A Fine Example of Street Realism

“It was all Necessary,” Yvette Battle’s first book is a fine example of street realism.