At PR for People The Connector, we encourage people to act as a stewards to protect this great gift of life that we have been given. And we also promise to make our voices heard whenever possible. In this month’s issue, we present the voices of people who are grappling with the reality of climate change.
When Pope Francis released his his Laudato Si’ encyclical in 2015, he pledged an urgent call to ecological sustainability.He said, “We have the opportunity to prepare a better tomorrow for all. From God’s hands we have received a garden, we cannot leave a desert to our children.” The pope’s message urged all of us to come together as a human family to save the earth from destruction. We don’t need Pope Francis to tell us that it is our duty to protect our earth. It is duly noted, however, that Pope Francis has set a wonderful example, encouraging us to become stewards of the earth.
Collectively, we have so many important issues facing us right now that it is a challenge to decide which problem is the most imminent and ought to be addressed first. I can create a long list of the problems that beset our time, but let’s face it: what I am observing might not be relevant to your world view. Multiple realities compete for our attention—that is the world we live in.
Most of us can agree on one pervasive reality. Climate change is making its presence known in every corner of the world. If we don’t start taking positive measures to protect the environment, then the earth will be irreparably damaged. I cannot tell you the actual death toll of life in all of its incarnations that will occur. I can only state forcefully and unequivocally that climate change needs to be the number one priority among all other issues. If there is no earth, all other issues are no longer relevant.
Happy October! Enjoy the bounty of the season! Patricia Vaccarino