Our publication is now going into its fourteenth year. Our aim is, as always, to recognize people who are making a difference in the world. Through the years we have covered the full range of humanity regardless of color, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, age, religion, class, economics or politics.
While we have covered the full range of humanity, we have our favorites. One of our proudest moments was when we featured a group of Vietnamese-American women as our cover story—the first for any American magazine (March 2014).
Another favorite issue featured the work of Sacred Encounters, a Catholic outreach group that takes care of the homeless in downtown Seattle (July 2023). Many of our magazines have featured immigrants. The hard work, dedication and courage of immigrants is the salvation of America.
Our magazine has not been an unmixed blessing. We have gotten our share of hate mail, but if we didn’t rile up bigots, then our lives would not be worth living. We want to live a life with integrity. Without integrity, a sense of fair play, and decency, you can’t respect anyone, not even yourself.
We are completely self-funded and publish stories our stories for the good of the people. We want you to be inspired and we want you to fall in love with the beautiful diversity of humanity. I am proud of our track record. We will continue to tell amazing stories about people who deserve to be given a voice.
About PR for People
PR for People was spun off from Xanthus Communications LLC in 2007 by Patricia Vaccarino. PR for People “The Connector” Magazine premiered in 2012 and the PR for People news site was launched in 2015. Here is the link to our past issues. https://prforpeople.com/about/news-room. Editor’s Note: Until December 2021, the magazine was produced on a Joomla platform. Those magazines are no longer offered online. We do have all back issues. To request one, please email prforpeople@gmail.com.