James Fernie is one of those people who can say he has achieved what he set out to do. He would, however, disagree, as there are many more future plans in the making. His company Uthando (meaning love in Xhosa) has grown beyond expectations, proving that his vision for a need of such company was founded.
Beauty is skin deep, but this doesn’t stop the Fashion and Beauty Industry from making millions. Modern Society is bombarded on Social Media with a certain perception of Beauty. If you happen to miss all that, you might notice the giant billboards on your way to work.
Sadly, the truth about @realdonaldtrump. I can share some real news with you: the majority of Trump’s followers @realdonaldtrump are Fake. How do you identify Fake Twitter followers?
There are various schools of psychotherapy. In recent years, therapists have realized that difficult-to-reach patients, such as autistic children, adults who are dysfunctional due to childhood trauma, couples having trouble communicating, may benefit by undergoing Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) and Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL).
It’s tough pinning down the mercurial Wali Collins! Last week, he was in Seattle making an appearance at the Bite Festival. Next thing, he’s on the way to Waterloo, New York to do a gig at the del Lago Resort & Casino. Then he’s bound for Denver to make an appearance at the Boat Festival, sponsored by the AARP. In between, he’s a regular at the Gotham, and Broadway Comedy Clubs in New York City. And every other month his Comedy Cup, where comedy gladiators battle to the death, is packing them in!