Robotics, how many times have you heard someone lost their job to an automated system? It happened in the car industry and it is happening in the food industr
In my operational risk seminar this spring, students ranked and then restacked and ranked the top operational risks present in our world. No one was especially pleased with the results, and the top three risks – cyber-threats, global uncertainty, and terrorism – seemed nearly interchangeable, depending upon the month. As we came to the end of the quarter – particularly with the terrorism acts in Manchester, London, and Tehran -- “global uncertainty” seemed to encapsulate the other two risks, particularly when the elections in France and Great Britain are taken into account along with the performance of the U.S. president on his first diplomatic trip abroad.
The PR for People® Matt Kramer Award for Excellence in Journalism recognizes a journalist who has told a powerful and compelling news story about a person who is making a difference in the world. Journalists are invited to submit links to their news stories by the deadline of August 31, 2017. The journalist who wrote the winning entry shall receive a monetary stipend of $500 U.S dollars and promotion of the award designation to global media.
The bulk of my salaries was swallowed up in the cost of the moves and higher living expenses in the regions around the schools. So, for over eight years now, my real source of income has been publishing. The blame might be with the untenured and otherwise unsecure state of academic employment. But being a woman in academia is especially disabling.
Seattle Academy's robotics program supports the development of student skills in the context of building a robot to compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC).
I'm not sure what the future iterations of iPhones will be like, but I am sure that manufacturers will try to make the taking of professional grade images ubiquitous worldwide in the next few years!
Rube Goldberg was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American cartoonist, author, sculptor, and engineer. He lived from 1883 to 1970, and his wildly inventive cartoons featured contraptions that he had designed to (according to Webster's dictionary): accomplish by complex means what seemingly could be done simply. Talk about being a contrarian!
After a mental breakdown and a stint in a psychiatric hospital Eric P. was provided with ongoing therapy, community support and medication. He soon found his lawfully prescribed medication was in demand by his friends. This is one man's account how he ended up selling his own drugs to make ends meet.