President Trump

Masquerading as Manly


Beware of pasty-white, soft-handed men who masquerade as manly.

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Latest Posts in President Trump

Prepare for March 15th, 2025, #TheIdesOfTrump

On March 15th, people will mail Donald Trump a postcard to publicly express opposition to him. Great numbers of people from all over the world will state the reasons for his unpopularity, incompetence, and failure. 

Being POTUS is a Real Job

Being President of the United States (POTUS) is a job. A great weight of responsibility accompanies the grandeur of this office. Historically, presidents choose their words very carefully because there are major ramifications to everything they say.  The reaction to presidential words ranges from hypersensitive to hysterical.  The words of the POTUS have enormous power and consequences—enough to seize up financial markets and rattle the hearts of trigger-happy dictators.

How big will it grow?

Remember Pinocchio? The Disney story was based on the children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. The little wooden boy is brought to life by the blue fairy. Pinocchio can only be made human if he is unselfish, brave and, above all, truthful. Every time President Trump lies, we’ve been saddled with the tremendous spectacle of having to watch it grow bigger, and, sadly, it is not Pinocchio’s nose. This thing that is growing bigger is something else and it is getting really, really big.