We the People

Freedom Spent


When I was in college, a professor suggested that I read Freedom Spent by the legal writer Richard Harris. Freedom Spent was a narrative of three case studies in which Americans lost their civil liberties during legal proceedings that adhered to the letter of the law, or abided by a strict constructionist (narrow) interpretation of the law that disregarded the gravitas and prevailing spirit of the U.S. Constitution.  I lent Freedom Spent to so many friends that eventually I lost track of it and fear it is no longer in my library. 

Today, I am more convinced than ever that America has the most amazing...

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We the People Proclamation

Most Americans are compassionate and caring people who want to build better lives for themselves, their children, and their communities. We are enriched by working together to achieve goals that benefit the common good. Regardless of our political affiliation—blue vs. red, conservatives vs. liberals, or republicans vs. democrats, we believe in our core democratic principles. We believe we have more in common that is good and true. The issues that divide us are less important. It’s like Benjamin Franklin said, “We can choose to hang together, or we will all hang separately.”